Wednesday, December 2, 2009


the outcome of the collaboration with victoria hlubek is our proposal for the 4 week short design workshop in vienna hosted by roman delugan from delugan meissl architects. the task was to create a monument of 140 m3, the site and the specific topic could be chosen by us.
we wanted to design a room for being confronted with yourself. we ended up with a concrete tower located on münsters aasee, with a lockable door, a steep stair, and a room in the top of the tower where the only view you have is the view on a mirrored wall.

we handled the quite complex geometry with grasshopper. changeable parameters are the height of the tower, its sidelength, the height of the top room, the thickness of the walls, the height and the depth of the stairs and the diameter of the stair well. with all these parameters linked to sliders it was easy to understand the geometry of the tower in relation to the stairs and to optimize it.

Friday, October 23, 2009

growing triangles

so once again a growth algorithm. this time it is about triangles. I started the simulation with three base pyramides. there is a variable chance of growing another triangle on the current one - here it was 50 %. intersections between the triangles are avoided.
after growing a defined amout of iterations all surfaces are transformed into frames. the size of the frame-openings are linked to the z-position of each single surface.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

swarming cities

this is our suggestion for the urbanism follows visions competition. it was about how cities, environment and living will look like in 100 years. we did the 2nd place...

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

cellular automation

these are some examples of a cellular automata script that i wrote with lorenz lachauer some months ago and that i updated lately.

rule 11001001

rule 10100101

rule 10011100

rule 10011010

rule 01110110

rule 01101001

Friday, May 22, 2009

honeycomb wall

testing some honeycomb structure.

growth 3d

the direction of new branches are now 3d. 15 generations...

17 generations, 19.000 branches

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

proximity network

the idea is to generate a network out of proximities between a set of points. we loop through a random point cloud and search for the two closest points to the current point. they are connected by a line and we draw circles to the points with the radius of half of the distance to the currents` closest point.
the next step is to go into 3d. therefor we take the current and its closest two points and connect them by a polyline. further we adjust the poline`s brightness to its area. you get a 3d network of polylines which allowes one to think about creating spaces by only adjusting points` proximities. well, just a thought...

processing attractor pts

simple but nice attractor point script, using scaling and transparency. reacts to mouse in realtime...

growth algorithm

this is our first simple growth algoritm in rhinoscript. it starts with one line, each line having 3 branches. the less branches the more white the line.

after 39 generations

38 generations, stopped branching after intersecting with other lines

34 generations, stopped branches now white