Friday, December 16, 2011

lorenz lachauer at msa

today we had the pleasure of listening to a lecture from lorenz lachauer, phd student and research assistant at the chairs of prof. dr. philippe block and prof. dr. joseph schwartz from the eth zürich. he gave an introduction to the world of graphic statics, showed his latest projects and completed the day with a grasshopper/galapagos-tutorial for the students. a big thank you!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

genetic algorithm II

the second run, now with double number of random points (30). each generation produces now 25 copies, 4 points are exchanged randomly and the program stops when there is no progress over 500 generations.

the statistics:
starting length: 1744.33
optimized length: 600.37
reducing length to: 34.42 %
best solution after 1404 generations
44 steps of transformation total

genetic algorithm I

the first time I wrote a genetic algorithm. starting with a simple geometrical problem (travelling salesman - some random points, find the shortest route trough all of them) the program does the following:

- generate a random line through all of the points, measure the length
- make 10 copies and exchange 2 points with each other randomly, measure the length
- the shortest (the fittest) is the "father" for the new generation
- repeat until there are no fitter copies for 50 generations

these are the statistics for the following example:
starting length: 735.08
optimized length: 344.35
reducing length to: 46.85 %
best solution after 38 generations
16 steps of transformation total

it is fascinating to give a certain intelligence to your scripts. though we have a very simple problem the process of finding a solution to it is very promising. it is a simulation of evolution, only the fittest members can reproduce themselves...

Monday, November 14, 2011

agent based growth algorithm

this is an agent based growth algorithm inspired by the book generative gestaltung. the result is a 1000-generation sphere structure, where each spheres color is related to its creation. done in rhinoscript.

Monday, November 7, 2011

rhinoscript + grasshopper workshop

this is the final workshop of my first rhinoscript + grasshopper course in the supplement studies for the 5th semester bachelor students at the muenster school of architecture.

the lecture gives an introduction to programming and automatizing of geometrical processes with rhinoscript and grasshopper. the aim is to create and control user specific software for architects. introduced by simple geometrical problems the basic programming topics are explained: datatypes, assembly of algorithms and recursions, orientation in scripting editors and programming syntax of rhinoscript. in a next step this knowledge is transferred to an architectonical level for getting an introduction to parametrical design with grasshopper.

Friday, October 14, 2011

design modelling symposium berlin 2011

The design modelling symposium 2011 took place from 08.10. to 12.10.2011 at the UDK Berlin. Workshops were at the weekend, followed by 3 days of lectures and paper-presentations. Here are some of the speakers:
David Rutten, Arnold Walz (designtoproduction), Philippe Block (Block Research Group, ETH Zürich), Neil Katz (SOM) and many more. It was a very interesting time, a big thanks to the organisation team!

Friday, February 18, 2011

sensor driven data visualisation unit

these are the results of our arduino/processing data visualisation course. finally we managed to control a temperature, light, sound, movement and RGB color sensors. in 24 hours we measured 1440 values for each sensor, the measurement took place in our department at the msa.
we tried to figure out the border between aesthetics and readability, in different steps of transformation.

Friday, February 11, 2011

low budget tower

This is the last project that I did with Victoria Hlubek for the rest of our studies. Thank you for the wonderful projects and the great time at the department! All the best for Berlin!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

image processing

this is a script that I wrote in processing. there is an agent running a random path over the input-jpg, reading the color and brightness of every pixel that it touches. a line is drawn with a certain number of controlpoints, the color of the line is that of the pixel, the thickness of the line is related to the brightness of the pixel. adjustable parameters are the transparency, the speed of the agent, the number of pixels to analyze, the maximum distance of the line`s control points and the number of control points.