Wednesday, June 30, 2010

rhino python

as the new scripting language in both rhino 5 and rhino mac will be python there is already a new forum. the same scripts can be run in both versions. python allowes to make your own rhino commands, line .net plugins in rhino 4. 
in both work-in-progress versions scripting with python is possible now.
I am looking forward to the new rhinos...

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

rapid protohousing

mass customization: the use of flexible, computer aided manufacturing systems to produce custom output.

index model: programmed framework of a design concept, that needs specific user input to generate final adjusted designs.

this is carlas and my suggestion for the last concrete design competition. we tried to develope a room generator, that computes possible living situations for a user-specific room program.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

digitales entwerfen - first image

victuria hlubek`s and my first result of our digital design course hosted by norbert palz at the msa. it is a pedestrian bridge that uses the structure of an old cargo-train bridge... 
we did the generation of planar elements in grasshopper.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


inspired by the cracking algorithm of aranda/lasch published in "pamphlet architecture tooling" I did this one. in this case there are 7 generations of crackings with a 5 % chance to abort.