Wednesday, February 10, 2010

the first...

this was part of the very first digital project I did. it was a collaboration with jascha lehmann and we were so damn proud of using rhino,scripting and the 3d plotter for the first time!
it was a time when voronoi structures were new, cool and exciting...
here is the homepage of the digital lab from our university where it was printed.

digital prefabrication

this is our parametric curtain, developed in the digital prefabrication course, hosted by steffen riegas (UNstudio). The aim of the course was to create a every-day-life product based on a radiolarium structure by ernst haeckel (1834 - 1919) and to experience the whole digital way from design to final 1:1 production.
We did the structure in grasshopper, adjustable parameters are the size of the window, the depth of the curtain, the strength and the position of the attractor point, the material flexibiliy and the influence of gravity.
After baking the base curves we rhinoscripted the identifying, colorcoding and sorting of the curves, the joining and lofting of the surfaces and the unrolling. Before the files were ready to lasercut, we added construction extensions and rebuild the curves to make them smooth. 
The cut elements were assembled with buttons.

Monday, February 1, 2010


this is the short design course in thessaloniki, hosted by professor spiridonidis. the site is at thessaloniki`s harbour, we were asked to design a center for cultural interaction.
the idea was to let people think about borders, physically experienced in the building transfered to cultural borders. the building has 2 main elements, static glass walls and movable concrete doors. 
this time we only grasshoppered all of the movable concrete panels for realizing all possible program schemes. nice project though. here is the link to the project-blog.